

Continental Europe - Portugal - Centro Alentejo - November 2016
The centralisation of economic power and wealth sustained by EU governments has resulted in marginalization, poverty and abandonment of areas that were already disadvantaged — a process that completely destroyed social and economic structures of rural communities. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the political organisations that set out to support the weakest classes became corrupt, pursuing liberal economic policies to the detriment of those already disadvantaged.The unbridled pursuit of capitalism resulted in the social marginalisation of certain geographical areas, whose communities were forced to live outside the system merely to survive. As individuals abandoned the land, families broke down. Those that remained assumed a state of alienation and discomfort, resulting in an escalation of suicides. This unstoppable process was inherent to the pursuit of capitalist development. So that abandonment aimed to turn into desertification and eventual destruction. It only remains to witness helplessly this disappearance, and to the consequences that came with it.

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Comments 2

Tahmina Sultana Rosy
6 years ago
Terrifying conflict!!!!
7 years ago
????????? belle parole scritte.

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