Persian Woman In Tehran

Persian Woman In Tehran

As an Iranian woman who is in her 30s I have always been confronting different challenges in a city such as Tehran.
The constraints which I have experienced for being a woman , have taught me how to survive and become stronger every step of the way.
I have always wanted to somehow express my feelings and opinions about the problems imposed on me in Iran. Issues such as compulsory Hijab, stereotyped definitions of femininity and masculinity, the Iranian society’s closed and religious view on homosexuality, my dream of world peace and a world without war. However, because of security restrictions inside Iran, I have never had the chance to express them in my artwork.
In general, I have a simple and abstract artistic approach which was formed at graphics high school. Later on, while doing Handicrafts at university, I combined this abstractive outlook with Iranian arts. And today I would describe my innovative work a fusion of the modern and traditional worlds.... Material: Antique kilim, Printings, Photography, stainless steel

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Comments 2

Suzan a1qq Hijab
7 years ago
Our peoples refuse any critique also not religious- now I hope they learn to criticize as positive
Suzan a1qq Hijab
7 years ago
I will say the Islamic countries are a monastic Catholic nun - only wet leaped and had an evangelical nun - one against all - so we have lived since 1952 unfortunately - we have no Luther in sight - no distinction between religious and secular
Every criticism is important - since the islam does not recognize any criticism - since god's word holy

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