Earth X My Earth series is a celebration of our beautiful planet that humans are destroying rapidly. Earth XVIII My Earth series is a celebration of our beautiful planet that humans are destroying rapidly. Earth XIX Earth XXII Earth XXI Earth XXII My Earth series is a celebration of our beautiful planet that humans are destroying rapidly. Earth XXVII Earth XIV Earth V series Beautiful World; a celebration of planet earth that was perfect before we humans took over and started destroying it.. Earth X Painting, Landscape, Abstract informal, Mixed technique, 100x80x3.7cm landscape painting earth world abstract expressionism mixed media abstract art island My series Earth is a celebration to our beautiful planet that humans are destroying rapidly. Project (Celeste Prize 2017) Added 7 years ago 8 I Like I don't like 0 Comments 297 Visits Share Facebook Twitter Google + Has been liked by 8 Inka2arte Artist - Białystok, Poland Antonio Mercadante Artist - Aversa, Italy Robert Tokley Artist - Belleville, Canada Lina Leoni Artist - Freiburg, Germany arteborgo gallery Gallery - Roma, Italy Maria Grazia De Cubellis Art lover - Firenze, Italy Tanya Bartolini Premium Artist - Milano, Italy maurizio piccirillo Artist, Journalist, Art lover - Rosignano Marittimo, Italy Comments 0 Say something You must login or Sign Up to write a comment Join
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