Roma Eur 42/Oggi: Visioni differenti

Roma Eur 42/Oggi: Visioni differenti

My project "Eur 42 / Today: Different Visions" is a survey on the District of the Eur in Rome. An investigation, however, not only on the most historic and organic Eur of the rationalist period (1940), or just about that of the great modern and contemporary architecture built from 1960 onwards. But on the two EUR - the rationalist and the most contemporary - read together closely, in their interweaving and continuous dialogue.
My research has therefore focused on perspectives and glimpses that can complement, combine, intertwine different architectures and, above all and where possible, rationalist and contemporaneous architectures together. In addition, in the style of my personal vision, I directed the lens not to the sets but to the perspectives, segments, and details, so to put in the center not the apparent view, but the architectural essence made of line games and shapes. And I have reinforced this research on the heart of the EUR architecture by working on the contrasts of lights and shadows and darkening the sky, so to emphasize the graphic essence of the structures.
Some works of this project have been exhibited in Rome in a my personal exhibition at the Honos Art Gallery in April/May 2017.

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