The Success Cycle

The Success Cycle

"The Success Cycle is a fast pace ritualistic, fashion-induced, rhythmic “motivational speech" with atmospheric and dark music underlying it. "Belinda Evangelica", one of Bettina John's recurring protagonists, a fashionista gone activist, takes the audience on a 15 minute speech where one learns all about the ups and downs of success.The performance makes use of elements of rituals. A sense of collectiveness paired with strong visuals and low light ambient evokes ideas of a cult. In her world success becomes a mystical place, a cult whom Belinda Evangelica is the leader of. She is the priest who promises success to those who follow her, who listen to her and take her words on board. The words are written like a motivational speech inspired by the numerous self-help videos, not least of celebrities such as Will Smith and "success gurus" such as Tony Robbins. In this work Bettina John questions the well accepted notion that one can be told what to do in order to achieve success and that there is a formula to use.

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