

Painting, Philosophy, Minimal, Abstract geometrical, Mixed technique, 21x29.7cm
I try to get rid of contrivances in the working process, and concentrate on the present phenomena that happen to be here and now. As such, my work is studio-specific where the spatial experience in the studio is crucial that varies with ever-changing light and velocity of atmosphere within the white geometric space. I draw attention to the colours and shapes of the light coming across the architectural space of the studio, which becomes the motifs of geometric shapes. I also place importance on how the surface of the work is woven by archival gestures such as drawing, painting, sanding, and looking, in order to involve the accumulating temporality. I often work on the notebook-sized paper laid on the table with drafting tools such as sharp pencils, rulers, and bradawls, which allows me a sense of writing manuscripts with more subtlety.

* main image description: acrylic, coloured pencil on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm, 2017

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