Musica Nomade

Musica Nomade

Musica Nomade it's not only a photographic project, it's a concept, a message. Through the art of photography, Musica Nomade emphasizes the importance of music as a universal language, as art that comes to hit and captivate an audience from all social and cultural backgrounds, color, race or religion. An art that moves and goes everywhere, that is influenced, evolves and returns to the origins.
To express the concept of Musica Nomade, Mariagrazia portrays knowns musicians, singers, dancers, DJ, in unusual contexts, on the road, off the stage.
The photos are not taken during a classic photo shooting but during an encounter. Words, conversations about life, musical and travel experiences and walks create an ideal and perfect situation for music.
Musicians start to play. When the music is there then…she can shoot!

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