Looking into the sun with eyes closed for 1 min every 10sec, Vienna 2.6.17

Looking into the sun with eyes closed for 1 min every 10sec, Vienna 2.6.17

Painting, Memory, Ideas, 33x220cm
„Looking into the sun with eyes closed for 1 min every 10 sec, Vienna 2.6.2017-19.29-19.30h“, is an observation about colours in the inner eyes while looking against the sun.
I am fascinated by the play of those changing colours as those seem to be already like abstract paintings, and all I have to do as an artist is to make them visible.
The individuality of what someone sees is interesting, there is no objective result and no camera is able to fix that inner picture, what makes it even more interesting for me to paint.
Because of Haem and the blood circulation the colours change between light yellow and dark red/ brown, but negative aftervisions can have any colours and forms.

In this artwork I observed the sun for 1 minute every 10 seconds and writing down what I was seeing and painting it afterwards from remembrance.
To paint something that is saved as an inner picture and can not be directly seen with open eyes but only existing in memory was also one interesting aspect for me to start this series.
I did painting experiments with squeezed or nearly open eyes, different locations, different time of the day, and like in the presented work I also added date and time and weather situation.

I am concerning myself now for a long time with this project. Here i put these 6 observations of one minute together, but for example last year I did one observation each day, every month, for a whole year and put these on 12 transparent paper rolls each about 9 meters.
I am also very interested how other people see these inner colours while doing these observations and their notes are my instructions to paint subsequently their individual inner coloured pictures.

This work can be shown hanging on a wall, or having a light in the back to simulate the sun.

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