Venerdì Santo

Venerdì Santo

This painting entitled "Good Friday" comes from an experience, or rather, the memory of an experience. Tradition and the Ritual bring different people together, coming from different backgrounds with their different lives to commemorate a special event, dear to their culture and upbringing. The "join-moment", the "meeting" carries here a double meaning. I wanted to create a picture where tradition and ritual meet popular customs and folklore, where the religious theme merges with the popular culture, the true and spiritual meaning of the Good Friday gets mixed with the vibrant colours of real life. Christ's death becomes a celebration of glamour and cosmetic belief. I've always been fascinated by the idiosyncratic and peculiar "getting-together-moment", in the piazza people flood in and I'm completely carried away as I look at this cross-road of lives full of colorful vibes and different idiosyncrasies. I tried to depict in the painting, this wide spectrum of vibrant energies and incessant parading that simply speaks of life and death...and life again.

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