Collage, Memory, Family, Emotion, Love, 600x200x110cm
TRAMA was born as the air of a breath and dies like a worm in the beak of a swallow, savoring a soup of cotton with petals of pieces of glass, wearing rags of cream milk and walking on tracks of ice, leaving footprints of sugar behind.

Skin, Cord Blood, Bile, Blood, Veins: TRAMA is a project born from the soul, blossoms from the memory of a child, the affection of a daughter, from the bowels of a woman, from the sin of a mother.

It is a sensorial dream that explains the difficulties and the natural solutions to the emotional tangles those tangles animating and feeding parental and social relationships.

TRAMA is a journey that assembles a sequence of 10 milestones: 2 paintings, 2 performance and 6 installations, through a melted structure, the artist materializes an experiential tour generated by connections and conjugations that flow from the past into the present.

TRAMA constructs the reality of a passionate life walking along 10 profound footpaths where the threads of a discourse are of the same fabric: plotting conjectures, warping and wefting to transmit and transform sensorial perceptions.

1. Deliziosa / Delicious: a sense of shivering connected to an innocent abuse, inspired by a frame of the movie “Mediterraneo”, the realization of a faraway sensation, vague and latent. (painting)

2. Stracci / Rags: the hysterical relation with a Mother, a legacy of precious handmade Rags, 9 frames printed on 9 trays, bound and crossed by veins, bile, umbilical cord, blood. (performance)

3. Aria / Air: the need to shape the elusive essences of the body: the soul and the breath, to define the origin of matter. The crossing of an absent rhythm, the altered heartbeat of a silent body seen as a contemporary electrocardiogram. (performance)

4. Credenze / Furniture: a fluid knowledge transfer and cultural exchange through affectional furniture. (installation)

5. Passi / Steps: sugar footprints. The repetition of a path, an already tagged path. (installation)

6. Conserve / Supplies: store to protect, feed to safeguard. (installation)

7. Sonaglio / Shake: a scream for the sense of emptiness that expands a sense of guilt. The power of a mother: give birth and take life away. (installation)

8. Love in Spray: from vacuum raise the essence of anything. Reproduce an emotion by associating a perfume. The smell of a sentiment. (installation)

9. Extension: extend and expand physical constraints, beyond the borders to draw the extension of the inner reality. Untying knots to lengthen the ropes of thought, a thought that expands and extends as roots. (installation)

10. Rondini / Swallows: TRAMA concludes its journey within the dust of dreams with Swallows. The circle of roundness of human being closes through the curves of soul and the paths of breath. Thanks to Swallows, TRAMA takes off and in this precise moment dies like a worm in its beak. (painting)

TRAMA is an emotional project a melancholy introspection. It 'a dream lived at home, is handcrafted, handmade and weaved on the skin, gently cooked.
TRAMA has intuit, sense of smell, breath, hears and listens, touches, sees and relishes, it is an organic project, as the will of a woman to clarify incomprehensible events: the result of his discomfort is called TRAMA.

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