"Il Soffio"

"Il Soffio"

Painting, Spirituality, Political / Social, Philosophy, Human figure, Industrial paint / Glaze enamel, 130x214x50cm
Within the unrest of modern society, the global pattern of human existence follows his own set of rules, which comes under the idea of a supreme human being. Such an ideal model is the cause for men to be lost within the shapes of a reality which doesn’t include them.
Through this rhetoric of senses, the most concealed aspects of human conscience are unfolded.
The white colour compenetrates through the canvas’ texture, dense and ragged, dry and fluid within its moves; in an alternance of filled and empty spaces, frantic and diverging lines, it is possible to foresee a presence. It is immovable with his material and static nature, the man is raised in his pure spirit. Ascetic fluxes of energy intersect themselves, through a fluid pattern: it is the spirit which slowly expands and explodes, freeing itself in a limitless space.
The human reason, lost within the twists and turns of existence, seems forgiving of the light that it holds inside: the one and only matrix which can create a connection between senses and an emotion which is life itself.

Not visible in its immediacy. The molecules collide in forms of energy. Even more difficult, was able to reveal a pure being. White on white is not easily sensorium; but the reason is lost in the maze of complications, when we forget that to be able to see in the dark, just turn on a small light. An ascetic flow of energy that intersect, acting together for a flowing .... Arrested by a frame. It is not a limit but confirms a presence. A 'fresh thrill rises, it is the spirit that is lost in this art, one and only matrix that can be traced back to the senses of emotion. In an alternation of solids and voids, the picture comes to life; outdoor light, headlights, allow you to make tangible eye, what not, could escape. And easy to get lost, but to find the light infuses Hope, That's life.

Has been liked by 34

Comments 5

Valeria Ru
7 years ago
Valeria Ru Painter
Grazie comunque!!
Valeria Ru
7 years ago
Valeria Ru Painter
Salve! il creativo stabilisce un rapporto ambiguo con la realtà: blando con la "realtà" somministrata in quanto animale che tende ad una socialità; intrinseca con la realtà nella sua natura,nel suo tempo e spazio e agisce secondo la sua influenza e forza. La incalza, ne segue il suo ritmo, ne mescola le carte ma non le disobbedirebbe finché non è la realtà stessa a permetterglielo ai fini di una verità. il creativo sceglie a quale realtà appartenere distaccandosene o no.
Pone il suo occhio su ciò che la quotidianità può smantellare.
Rispondo ad Antonio Mercadante, perdona il ritardo! Ognuno di noi è bambino; c'è chi cerca di presarvare l'ingenuità e chi la sotterra per farsi chiamare uomo
Antonio Mercadante
7 years ago
Chi è creativo stabilisce un rapporto ambiguo con la realtà che lo circonda in quanto, anche se facente parte di essa, ne modifica l'intensità creando mondi, suoni,forme che altrimenti non esisterebbero quindi... in qualche modo le disobbedisce. Un po' come un ragazzino che al contrario di quanto gli dica la mamma prende la sua bici e va alla scoperta...
Michelle Sabogal
7 years ago
Michelle Sabogal
7 years ago
fantastico ! accattivante . complimmenti caro Artista

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