"Un nuovo volo"
Testimonials that there has always been careful control in the school area, he has always been vigilant, provided he is immediately contacted by the parents, social services and, in the most serious cases, the Forces of the Order.
They intervened by raising the awareness of the pupils, reassuring them, teaching them to be solid at times of difficulty, inviting them to speak, informing parents and teachers. In many schools, a specific project is held every year for the classroom psychologist, a "listening desk", held by the examiner.
In other areas? The last episode I've heard of is a guy who went to dance in the disco and who is now in a coma. How is it possible?
Hope is that there is the word end to episodes of violence of all kinds and that one can live every day, without fear anymore.
Comments 8
Un abbraccio.
Grazie, cara Lucia.
Un abbraccio.
Un abbraccio.
UN CARO SALUTO ....!!!!!!!!!
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