My direction - Temporary solitudes

My direction - Temporary solitudes

The photo is part of the collection "Temporary solitudes".

We are never alone.
Even when this condition appears unmistakably clear.
We share life with those around us, through our thoughts, actions, emotions, because human nature drives us to be sociable, but above all, because of a higher spiritual law, we are all connected to each other, we are One.
We have more or less consolidated our material reality, but we are not often aware of our inner spiritual nature, or worse, we deny it.
Our earthly journey invites us in every moment to join the evolutionary path of self awareness: it is an inner journey that can begin at any time and in any place, with a vision, a word, a sound that wakes us up from slumber. Invisible energies are activated for this to happen, but it’s up to us to create the openness required. It is in meditative solitude that we create the conditions for this awakening to occur and turn into a concrete chance. I imagined that the protagonists of these shots, immersed in their solitary way, they could have had that contact with themselves, a prelude to a deep inner discovery.
I imagined that they had reached for a moment of solitude just to look for the answers to those relentless questions that we all have within us which sooner or later will be showing up.
I imagined that their temporary solitudes had activated a shiver which would enlighten their lives and would give them a clearer and more authentic vision of themselves.
By meditating on these possible “miracles” of the everyday life, I took these photographs - looking for a deep connection with each of the unsuspecting subjects of this collection, while consciously accompanied by my own temporary solitude.

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Comments 3

Attilio Tripodi
6 years ago
Attilio Tripodi Artist, Photographer
Grazie di cuore, Massimo
Massimo Di Stefano
6 years ago
Scusami, distolto dai tuoi concetti , mi sono dimenticato di dirti che apprezzo tantissimo il tuo talento!!!
Massimo Di Stefano
6 years ago
Condivido pienamente il tuo pensiero!!! Un forte abbraccio, Massimo.

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