Letizia Ardillo- Yarona Pinhas- Visioni

From the cycle The letters of the Sefer Yetzira- the letter ayin Borromini Hall Vallicelliana Library in Rome "Visioni", exhibition of artist books and works by Letizia Ardillo. Introduction and texts by Yarona Pinhas. The exhibition is part of the OPERA 00 | 20 project curated by Paola Paesano. Organization: Anna Villa.
Letizia Ardillo -La lettera Ayin
Borromini Hall Vallicelliana Library in Rome "Visioni", exhibition of artist books and works by Letizia Ardillo. Introduction and texts by Yarona Pinhas. The exhibition is part of the OPERA 00 | 20 project curated by Paola Paesano. Organization: Anna Villa.
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