Letizia Ardillo-Isegreti svelati

Letizia Ardillo-Isegreti svelati

Painting, Emotion, Sacred / Mythological, Symbol / Letter, Mixed technique, 70x60x01cm

For the exhibition In Utero, the womb as a primordial matrix, curated by Caterina Capantini and Giorgia Gibertini, I propose some works that have in common the theme of the cosmic uterus. The uterus is often associated with the symbolism of the cave and that of water.
It is a profound and spiritual theme, according to ancient knowledge the feminine is the veiled, hidden part.
In the book of Genesis the creation of woman is presented as the crowning of the creation of the world. While the origin of man remains the earth. Adam gives adamà which in Hebrew means earth, the woman comes from a higher source than the body of adam and this gives her a higher spiritual nature than man.

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Comments 2

letizia ardillo
3 years ago
Patrick Smith
3 years ago
and considering trees, fruits and serpents etc.. she can be considered the origin of curiosity, science....

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