

Painting, Animal, Ideas, Abstract informal, Mixed technique, 86x86x1cm
Silence and matter
Massimo Recalcati
Daily trade with the world forgets the appointment with matter; in this obvious and manipulating trade, things - matter - are never first encountered; what one encounters
rather they are their meanings, their uses, their values. Although therefore matter is
constituted by the objects of the world, it never exhibits itself as such. Everything is matter, but
matter does not appear, this seems to be the paradox that the daily relationship with the world constantly makes use of. The logical-linguistic naming, by assigning names to things, purifies the objects of their constitutive materiality, in such a way that matter is sublimated into the worldly functionality to which the named objects refer. Recalling matter to the presence in its most radical ontological qualities of gravity, hardness, oppression, opacity and adversity, seems to be the underlying intent that marks the works that Trabattoni presents to us.
This operation of recalling the matter to the presence requires a preliminary suspension of the significant stratifications that thicken over things until they are completely covered.

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