Painting, Abstract informal, Acrylic, 105x105x0.3cm
This is a work of great significance for me. My style of painting, like everything in life, is changing, an evolution that occurs naturally without effort. As often happens, it is all thanks to the creative force that acts through us and certainly not of the person who is writing. I see how in all these years my painting has changed. I started from large, simple and sometimes almost banal signs and strokes, up to increasingly smaller and more detailed drawings. This made me know the patience that I didn't know I had. But the truly surprising and I would certainly say magical thing is that I made these drawings at school unconsciously, at the edges of the notebook without knowing that one day they would return!! I'm very happy also because I have so much fun to draw these figures that come out on their own. I only recommend a glass frame without a frame because in the heat of drawing I got too close to the edges of the painting.
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