Ten beech tablets painted to moderate in order to dream the joyful song of the last ones little birds remained on the earth, have had to paint them in order to remember those which , many years ago , were in my garden and now they are not more; an eye in painted sewn, linen burlap with acrylic in order feeling to me in company;
an orchestra director colored on cardboard with in order admiring of the cleverness ; the violin covered of scagliola, flour, knows them, sugar and acrylic for the beautiful memory that i bring of mine.
Work for sale at 222 euros.
Comments 4
nelle sue opere c' è sempre
un aspetto scultoreo che
riproduce un' immagine volumetrica
quasi applicata al supporto pittorico.
Frammenti accostati
con forti accenti policromatici
che esprimono
tutta la sua gioia pittorica
ed evidenziano
attraverso un' elevata tecnica espressiva
la sua esperienza di
maestra ceramista .
Sergio Zanichelli
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