Painting, Political / Social, Oil, 80x60cm
The painting, of a historical nature, is the middle man in a suit and tie while haranguing the audience microphones. The gaze of the subject, facing the left side of the canvas, it invites the viewer to penetrate the space of painting and scroll through the eyes, like a written text, the elements of pictorial composition. A politician or ideologue ready to assemble, incinerated and fetid with conspiracy concepts, a new ideology: "the dialectical vacuity”. Behind sprout two chimneys in the shape of female legs, similar to cypress trees, emblems of death, which frame the spherical head. In the background, arranged choreography, the "white collar" faceless businessmen, merchants of souls, delegates administrators of people's lives, counselors of hidden puppet guy. Miasma ashen, undulating and meandering in their development, they rise by the lapels and sleeves mild man, meanwhile, an army of leeches forward in search of new nations and new human resources, economic, energy, pins and drain.
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