You and Me

This video explores an ontological topic of knowing oneself and the world. Through others, one knows he/she is a distinctive individual being. Also, by interacting with others, the being becomes to realize that the world is beyond itself.

Touching is the most penetrating sense which shows the existence of two different beings. Also, relations -- especially those that are power involved -- show the difference of the subjects. Both touching and relationships are important "tools" for the living creature to acknowledge individuality and the world.

Has been liked by 4

Comments 3

Bettina Patermo
13 years ago
beautyful and very sad at the same moment.
hope you gave him back his freedom.
strina Celeste foti
14 years ago
...l'agonia di un povero animale non può e non deve essere mai pura poesia o forma d'arte, nè essere usata da ipotetici artisti!
Giovanni Oscar Urso
14 years ago
Pure poetry!!!!!!!

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