Razors, Lies. Serie "Übersinnlich"

Razors, Lies. Serie "Übersinnlich"

Digital Photography, Human figure, Political / Social, Portrait, Mixed technique, 130x100x7cm
No screaming, no bleeding, in this silent, violent universe.
Femininity, nowadays, it's a "no man land", where the coldest wars take place, where everything is consuming and where the fight is hard.
No rifles, no cannons to put flowers in, but a lot of brainframes to respect, a plague of desires to suffocate and instincts to control.
Femininity is a silent war. Between us and ourselves, between us and the world, that kind of world that always wants us a little more multi-tasking, productive, synthetic and sterile.
It's nevertheless true that there are "half-light" and extra-systemic moments, emotionally disorganized and silently chaotic, where the psyche slides away from semantic frames, models and definitions.
The light, crashing into shadows of carnal peasure, reveals itself, in unrational mindplaces where the distance becomes physically insurmountable.
every moment that I caught is unique and unrepeatable, like milestones in a always-becoming Femininity.

Has been liked by 20

Comments 3

Aureliano Lanzoni
13 years ago
arron liu
14 years ago
arron liu Artist
good photo and in-depth notes.
Carol Gianotti
14 years ago
angela quest'opera mi ha scosso, proprio grazie alla sua violenza silenziosa. l'aria rarefatta, le superfici, il dramma umano che si consuma negli spazi chiusi. l'ansia di chi guarda fuori in cerca di qualcosa di introvabile, dove non c'è spazio per l'idillio. un'opera GRANDIOSA.

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