Life and Death, I'm breathing through you

Life and Death, I'm breathing through you

Painting, Fantasy / Visionary, Mixed technique, 144x182cm
In the painting is rappresented the moment that separe life from death, through the play between the dramatic black trees and the delicate contrast of the lotus flower.
The black and white, divide the painting between life and death, where life, rappresented in black, breath with those open green mouths metaphore of the tee rooths, our relantionship in the earth.In the white section the death where the lightless of the colorful flowers rapresent the new life.

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Comments 5

Carlo D'Orta
14 years ago
Carlo D'Orta Artist
Il contrasto vita/morte è simbolizzato benissimo tra primavera e inverno, neve e fiori, luce e buio, colore e nero, molto bravo, votato davvero con piacere
elena candoli
14 years ago
elena candoli Artist
..scusa, stai a New York ma sei italiano... veramente bello e poetico, a primo acchito quasi dei tenerissimi e visionari alberi di natale, natale appunto...Complimenti anche per gli altri tuoi lavori!
elena candoli
14 years ago
elena candoli Artist
I like it very much!
14 years ago
very good. no words.
Alfonso Siracusa
14 years ago
Opera straordinaria, bravo!!

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