The Thousand Origami Cranes has become a symbol of world peace through the story of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who tried to stave off her death from leukemia as a result of radiation from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War II by making one thousand origami cranes. Sadako died on the morning of October 25, 1955 at the age of 12.
How many children, have to fold their Thousands Origami Cranes to preserve peace and make prosperity for themselves and for all of us?
Comments 21
Moram da primetim da se negde "izagubio" glas gospodje Jadwiga Charzynska koja je na mojoj favourites listi??? :-(
Bez obzira i ovako nije lose,bitna je promocija i ovo je dobar nacin za to!
Puno pozdrava Dejan.
Puno srece i puno uspeha Dejan.
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