Unfair fight

Unfair fight

Digital Photography, Animal, Landscape, Computer graphics, 82x55cm
We are fighting an unfair fight.
This photo collage shows how the growth of urban areas intrudes on nature and wildlife. It's right there, black on white!

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Comments 18

Shura Oyarce Yuzzelli
10 years ago
roberto toja
13 years ago
roberto toja Artist
Waldemar Dabrowski
13 years ago
Very intwewsting...!
Celeste Gurgone
13 years ago
Molto bella, molto esplicita!
Francesca Parità
13 years ago
Francesca Parità Photographer
great composition!
teresa azzam
13 years ago
teresa azzam Artist
I like black and white . This bird is fighting the wires of high voltage
Laura Gerlini
13 years ago
Laura Gerlini Artist
You are such a sentitive artist.
Manuel Hernandez-Stumpfhauser
14 years ago
Feels a little bit like a Ludwig Meidner painting. One of my favorite german artists. Very nice
enrica merlo
14 years ago
enrica merlo Artist
Always for the human race or animal gender, life has always been a struggle at times invisible cords. In this case, we seen the strings (unfortunately). BRAVO'!!
14 years ago
microbonet Institution
Nice work, very very nice!!

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