siamese sisters

siamese sisters

Painting, Human figure, Nude, Animal, Mixed technique, 80x110cm
The surface, made of several materials, contain perfect shapes that emerge from the burning and earthy atmospheres.
Vanessa Longo plays with the expert technique she acquired with her own hands, mastering her visionary and creative mind. She frees and expresses herself, becoming colour and sign, volume and thickness.
Both artist and craftsman, she combines a quick-painting on a copper plate with nailing on rescued wood tables to create female figures comparable to goddesses of war: “My materials are all recycled, the sketches born spontaneously and ready to be shaped. I work in two distinct phases, painting embodies spontaneity, and I live by instinct in a creative moment with great intensity. Instead, I concentrate more time on creating the accurate pose and less on the sheet of copper itself.
Paintings are the realization of a complete project, and the preparation of the table happens consciously through the outline of the design”.

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