The show is an experiment into new ways of storytelling by using tools and materials that could be related to those of "Arte Povera"
It is a tribute to one of the oldest tools for artists to create their "Affresco" paintings to trace the main lines and proportions:The chalk line.
I wanted to decontextualize as much as possible the idea that people relate to this tool (now widely used by carpenters and builders ) by showing a visionay landscape made of particles and strings that are going to resemble universe space environment. (Trying to show beauty itself on such a simple tool )
The final part is another tribute, to one of the artists i owe mostly my love for art:Alberto Burri.
By taking a heat gun i have have created combustions of plastics(rubbish bags, polystirol, gllue) filmed with a macro lens to recreate the act of burii's famous combustions and representing the beauty of the deformation of the surface and how amazing is the act of the creation of those shapes and not jonly the final output.
Thank you
Comments 9
@Digicult: The work is longer than 2 minutes, this is a preview.At the moment its 12 minutes divided in two sections (Combustions and Strings) and i am working on it to get a longer show with more footage.
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