A girl with an earring

A girl with an earring

Painting, Human figure, Oil, 100x80x5cm
My current studio practice is concentrated on working with the figure. I question, capture and place human characteristics in the spotlight, looking at outward beauty and inward temperaments that are common to all, and our relationships with each other and ourselves.

The resulting work is a contemplative (often humorous) insight into what appears as the differing worlds of others - from showgirls and transvestites to wise grandma figures. Although the upshot, often an ensuing reminder into our own personal worlds - no matter from which gender, race, background or religion.

I am looking at our image-obsessed world head on, exploring role-play and portraiture, embracing (yet also challenging) clichés and the concepts of what is beauty. I principally discover and arrive at my visual responses through the means of painting, drawing, photography and digital media. Due to the varying scale and methods of my work, how or where it is installed is essential to its impact and response.

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