

Installation, Symbol / Letter, 210x260x30cm
3000 daily paper, glue.

This work, is constituted from more than 3000 daily paper, that in theirs incessant to stratify, ideally recalls the to spend some time; the culture that finds constant relationships with the in his/her evolutions really past.
The central figure, the eagle has been select in how much you/he/she represents mental acuteness and talent, able to fly to unattainable heights, is the only animal able to look at the sun, that is often compared symbolically her. Here it has origin the double value of the daily paper "The Sun 24 hours", that with the pages of purse of other local daily paper, it composes the whole work. A strong call to the economy, that today assumes never also fundamental value in the world of the art. What it inhales to objective more and more tall. In this work they converse past, present and the attempt of the man to project him toward the future; through the economy, the art and, sometimes, the faith.

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Comments 17

Rossella Santoro
13 years ago
Fantastica :)
Lorenzo Guaia
13 years ago
Lorenzo Guaia Artist
quasi quasi avrei voluto farlo io. ;-)
complimenti sinceri in bocca al lupo
Silvana Dallera
13 years ago
Mi associo al commento di Fulvio! Complimenti.
Marco Cabalinguista Roascio
13 years ago
Gran bel lavoro!
13 years ago
Fulvio Artist
fai volare alte la banali cifre del "business"...lavoro interessante.
13 years ago
Brava! originale, di forte impatto e pieno di contenuto.
angelo barile
13 years ago
angelo barile Artist
João Vaz de Carvalho
13 years ago
Cool work! Thanks for your friendship.
13 years ago
GaiaFe Artist
Il soggetto è ambivalente così come poco chiara è l'informazione oggi.

Il lavoro è strutturato con quotidiani che hanno breve vita, ma che sono fruiti realmente da chiunque.

La carta non è un materiale "forte", ha un proprio inavitabile invecchiamento.

Come suggerisce l'opera stessa non possiamo cancellare la storia, né con essa i differenti valori attribuiti a un simbolo, aquila compresa.
13 years ago
GaiaFe Artist
Thank you too Angeliki!

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