People Arriving Series - They are coming

People Arriving Series - They are coming

Painting, Human figure, Landscape, Mixed technique, 120x100x2cm
These winter landscapes evoke contradictory feelings. On the on hand, they reproduce homely and intimate late winter afternoons, where everything looks as if watched through the window of one’s home. On the other hand, they are haunted by some sort of emptiness or menacing bleakness that is imposed by a motionless, almost dead nature; as if the sleep of winter was only a hair’s width away from the eternal slumber. The figures that appear in this environment are similarly contradictory: realistic and unrealistic at the same time. We are at the edge of a town, where nature begins. What we see is the everyday reality of winter with its snow-blocked and ice-clad road and people suffering from virus inflicted disease. It may be the mysticism of late winter afternoons when all is covered in white and one feels to be all alone, standing there facing nature whose power and mysteriousness is beyond human comprehension.

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Comments 2

Bettina Patermo
13 years ago
.... ups, wanted to say: "reminds" me ....
Bettina Patermo
13 years ago
remembers me on the serie "4400". do you know it, however, fantastic work, good luck, bettina

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