Lo scarto di noi stessi

Lo scarto di noi stessi

The society surrounding us is essentially controlled by industry, not only from an economic, social and political point of view, by means of the categories which the Industrial Revolution has laid on the human being, but also as a lifestyle which, through a insidious process, permeates of itself all the aspects of existence. In fact, just as the industrialization process and the consequent mass production have imposed the consume philosophy for which every product is “unto itself” and subject to the law of “ throwaway”, in the consumistic prospective that the objects’ life is given by its functionality, men have made proper this behavior up to the point of considering their similar/fellows with an individualistic approaching, aiming to the exploitation of their own interests, and then they forget about it in the same moment in which the other isn’t useful anymore. In this way the industrialization did not end up in the exploitation of machines done by men to obtain a sharable wealth, but it implied/caused the man’s submission to the world of the machines’ and of mass production’s own laws.

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Comments 1

Benedetta Spagnuolo | Critic - Art Curator
13 years ago
A Navigare in un mare d'uomini ci si ritrova morti..

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