...and for a minute there I lost myself i lost myself Painting, Portrait, Acrylic, 19x25cm Paper Acrylic bambino cavallo child horse francesco liggieri This portrait is a journey through my generation, which never stops despite its fears and doubts. Painting (Premio Celeste 2011) Added 13 years ago 6 I Like I don't like 1 Comment 418 Visits Share Facebook Twitter Google + Has been liked by 6 Tanya Bartolini Premium Artist - Milano, Italy Fabrizio Pariboni Artist - Roma, Italy Luca Bidoli Artist - Venezia, Italy Paolo Dogà Curator - Venezia, Italy margherita cesaretti Artist - Firenze, Italy GIULIART Artist - Modena, Italy Comments 1 13 years ago Rupi Artist Hai raggiunto il limite di massimo 5 voti, quest'ultimo voto non potrà essere contato! hahah Liggiè!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ma come si fa a calcolare il piacere ed il gusto in 5 voti!!!! Say something You must login or Sign Up to write a comment Join
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