L'Albatros Painting, Fantasy / Visionary, Mixed technique, 103x76cm Cardboard Mixed technique l'albatros This work is inspired to the poem by Baudelaire, and nothing can describe it that better as the poem itself. Painting (Premio Celeste 2011) Added 13 years ago 8 I Like I don't like 0 Comments 458 Visits Share Facebook Twitter Google + Has been liked by 7 Claudia H. Secchi Artist - Milano, Italy Patrizia Garberi Artist - Rosignano Marittimo, Italy tolmek om Artist - Alcoi, Spain Lucia Ghirardi Artist - Trieste, Italy Simone Casini Artist - Montevarchi, Italy Paolo Dogà Curator - Venezia, Italy Cat Photographer - Strasbourg, France Comments 0 Say something You must login or Sign Up to write a comment Join
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