Sculpture, Plants , Minimal, Still life, Textile, 150x130x6cm
Embroidery on textile

From a series of processed photos turned into hand made embroideries.
Just white thread in-warped on white textiles. Multitudes white-grey nuances depend just on how light falls onto the work. These white canvas are like immaculate sheets, in where everything is potencially possible.
The embroidered tree is like a statement of a time-space desire. Trees photographed during all these years, in the search of a space in the world. Trees, in places where I’ve really been or I dreamed I could live even for a while: Zurich, Florence, Buenos Aires, New York, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Berlin: where else?
These embroideries are just trials, attempting to shape an organic story that could wire my own present and my family past; the Swiss and the Italian family. Objects, situations, smells that belonged to my families and become visible by desire.
Bereavements and memory; or lack of memories lost beetween gimcracks and the time pleats
For brief moments, smells and shapes materialize themselves in this pure white undefined sea that these textiles are; just at the limit of perception.
Materical white: absolute nothing, absolute possibility, lightness of
minimal perceptions

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