

Sculpture, Human figure, 63x25x43cm
In the early days of Christianity emerged was a new sexual ethic that brought order and respect and showed a highway to take in respect of the natural balance.
Revalued the woman no longer bound to the dam.
Safeguarded the children exploited by the Greek sexual culture.
Mass at the center heterosexuality 'based on the love shared.
So at the beginning ... then a network that has trapped obscurantist incipit and captured and suppressed all that he knew of corporeality. Closed the door of hope has been opened a chasm, a delusion of omnipotence, manipulate and monopolize the official, repression, looting, burning, killing, claiming a hegemonic doctrine, absolute. By stripping the man from his freedom to silence, to the bush to escape. His ministers sometimes compromises, sometimes tolerant and inclusive, perpetrators of an injustice latent. Then revived, in the darkest pages, the ferocity of a secret crime, stolen, taken away the guilt. To hide, to deny, to shy away from throwing. How to reject an illegitimate child, not to see. Rejection of a shipwreck of helpless love. To sustain the image, preserving the appearance of a project created horrified.

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Comments 1

ferdinando sorbo
13 years ago
per quanto riguarda il ruolo della donna,i protocristiani mettono in pratica l'eredità ebraica ricevuta: essa deve essere sottomessa,inferiore all'uomo,anche il fondatore stesso scelse gli apostoli tra gli uomini....perchè anche gesù era ebreo e seguiva la cultura dove era nato....

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