

Installation, Animal, 200x150x180cm
"Vedovanera" Terramara is part of a series of works inspired by the seven deadly sins, a review of the vetoes of religion ... What is considered a sin comes from the culture of a people, the religious concept that shapes beliefs and prejudices and whatever ... are bound to earthly life, his "pleasure" and his "insatiable hunger" ... and 'inspired by Bosch and its lost souls in the two triptychs, "The Garden of Earthly Delights" and "The hay wagon" transforms into the rebellious angels insects and sees Christ as a judge to punish sinners busy.
The iron structure refers to the shape of an insect, attached to the ground with his legs spindly, with a body-cocoon for this sin, envy, is equipped with a mouth that swallows pins and needles, they gulp down and flushes . And 'suffering for others' successes. The body-shaped cocoon of this large insect is black as the soul does not find peace and balance, you can not see, too busy to feel pins and needles that pierce from the inside, soul and body. This view is opposed to Catholic morality that, however, send his punishment from heaven.

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Giancarlo Caporali
13 years ago

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