Correnti Marine Eoliane

Correnti Marine Eoliane

Digital Photography, Landscape, Digital, 135x90cm
Fossa Felci, the highest point of Filicudi, one of the Eolian Islands, 775 meters. From the top is possible to observe all the others six islands but only Alicudi is lonely, between marine currents, separate from the others. The more extreme, without streets, only muletrack. Are years that i observe Alicudi from FIlicudi, but only the day i took this shoot, i saw it(or her?) in a timeless atmosphere

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Comments 3

12 years ago
Diana Artist
dove c'è azzurro, regna la libertà
e una roccia segna l'isola, la meta.
mi perdo in quelle virgole segrete...
sullo specchio d'acqua tracciate, incomprensibili.
Stefano Butturini
13 years ago
grazie :-)
Rossella Santoro
13 years ago
Stupenda :)

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