naked lunch

Naked lunch is a delirious novel by W. Burroughs, screen played and directed by D. Cronenberg in the 90’s. The title has been flippantly borrowed by Moio&Sivelli for the exhibition opening’s performance at MADRE. This high quotation is overcome by the artists with a representation where there is no barrier between reality and fiction and which they direct on the edge of a livid irony that smugly slips into something grotesque. Nevertheless, the ironic provocation and the astonishment of the spectator, brutally dragged into situations which are on the edge of reality are peculiar features of the work produced by the Luigi Moio (1975) and Luca Sivelli (1974). Disenchanted, cynic and decadent, nowadays Art goes over platitude; it mirrors itself into the derisory look of the visitor and into the relation between a sly author and his distrustful public. With Naked lunch Moio&Sivelli offer to the public an upsetting and grotesque performance that will possibly make the viewers astonished and annoyed, as soon as double meanings and hidden references come clear. After the performance acted during the exhibition opening, Naked lunch will be opend to the public from Monday, December 13 th.

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Comments 2

Carlotta Castelletti
13 years ago
Il video è interessante purezza e candore scompaiono dietro una tenda di tentazioni e peccati di gola a ricordarci che siamo un pò tutti bene e male. Bello.
13 years ago
Uraken Artist
complimenti alla tipa! gran bel culo la tipa!...non capisco il tutù potevate mettere nuda anche lei, No? e poi... buoni i babbà! hahahaha

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