Passione d'Arte

Passione d'Arte

Print, Human figure, 35x25x008cm
Passion of Art, is a first engravings that belong to the series "Room 17".
The abandonment of bodies to each other, reveals a longing for unity that is not only physical, but it goes beyond any contact. Melt and let go to another, almost like dematerialize and books, living the primal passion that is the primary source of our life. Two bodies that live and share the art, which are joined without reservation or fear, revealing to the world with sincerity and love that knows where it lives on beyond the fusion of the senses ... the soul lives.

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Comments 10

11 years ago
Mancio Artist
6 veramente molto brava mi piaciono molto i tuoi lavori complimenti
Maria Elvira Salonia
12 years ago
Molto bella. Complimenti!
Luana Raia
12 years ago
Luana Raia Artist
Grazie a tutti voi!
Luana Raia
13 years ago
Luana Raia Artist
Grazie Giordi.
Buon 2012!
Lanzanova Giordano
13 years ago
Lanzanova Giordano Artist, Organizer
Bella, bello anche il concetto!
Luana Raia
13 years ago
Luana Raia Artist
Grazie carissimi amici!
13 years ago
molto bella
13 years ago
Cat Photographer
Une belle oeuvre !
Giancarlo Caporali
13 years ago
Marco Scapin
13 years ago
Marco Scapin Artist
Sempre molto brava e ricca di sensibilità!

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