Painting, Political / Social, Acrylic, 100x50cm
Commodification of women: commodification of women has neither head nor tail.
It has no boundaries and unfortunately has no limits. In both East and West in different ways women are treated as commodities. In 2005, the ONU (the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women), denounces the tendency, especially Italian, to commodify the female body on television and advertising and to relegate women to traditional roles and stereotypes. The ONU Committee notes that "these attitudes are the cause of the disadvantaged position of women in the workplace and in politics," and advised "to promote the image of women in all spheres of life." Even the Financial Times in 2007 denouncing this trend. The problem is that in Italy, the quality of TV shows has been reduced to no quality content sena, morally harmful, which are increasingly ridicule the female figure, relegating it to a goose joyful. For example, some time ago, there was a program where a small valley, had to stay under a table and go as they said the conductor and show up as a goose.

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Comments 3

Barbara Ghisi
13 years ago
Scusa volevo scrivere BravO. ;)
Barbara Ghisi
13 years ago
Mi sembra l'impronta che ho lasciato con il ferro da stiro troppo caldo sul mio vestito blu. Scherzo sai! Condivido il tuo pensiero e trovo molto originale la tua opera. Brava
Souad Nasr Makhoul
13 years ago
Thanks for giving focus attention to a global social problem, involving women's dignity and safety and translate your statment to an artistic expression by using simbols from the unlimited space of sea and waves. But remember that waves have the potential to provide an unlimited source of renewable energy, a good energy to face these trends of discrimination and commodification.

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