
Taboo is an open call for artworks on the theme of taboos. Curated by Galleria Poggiali e Forconi, Florence, which hosts the final exhibition, 21-29 April 2016. 5,000 € prizes go to the winners, Ulla Karttunen and Steve Salo.

Deserting Reality

Deserting Reality is a free, open call for artworks on the ways in which technology interfaces our relationship as human beings with the environment. Selections by Officina Temporanea, and exhibition in November at ex-Bazzi spaces, Milan.

Visible White

Monika Merva, Michela Paniak e Natalia Wiernik are the winners of Familydom, 4th edition of Visible White Photo Prize 2015 with their photography 'Doki, 'Draft Book' and 'The Protagonists'. Curated by Francesca Fabiani and Paul di Felice.