
Circolo Artistico of Bologna is a cultural non-profit gallery whose main purpose has not changed in 130 years, to promote the culture and practice of Arts.
Located in the heart of the city center, in prestigious location Corte Isolani, in a fully restored ancient building complex that connects the beautiful Piazza Santo Stefano with Strada Maggiore, the club has two rooms used as gallery for all the artists regularly enrolled in the social, sharing the spirit and the mission office, can exhibit their work in personal, group or collective.
Circolo Artsitico also organizes events related to the promotion, dissemination and knowledge of art, such as courses, seminars and book presentations.
Annually in January for ArteFiera Bologna, has its own meeting point between artists, critics, publishers all over Italy.
Draw up its own body of information, the magazine ITERARTE, which collects critical interventions, reviews, and iconographic material witness in the year social activities.
On 25 of April each year organizes, together with the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation and the sponsorship of the University of Bologna, The Marconi Prize for painting, sculpture and electronic art.
Circolo Artistico is part of the cultural panorama of Bologna as the oldest artistic and cultural association of the city