Luca Leandri (Deruta, 1964) lives and creates in Italy, Umbria. He is counted among the protagonists of contemporay ceramics and of the artistic research in Italy. Since he was very young he started dealing with sculpture, created shapes and tested materials. He takes part to the creation of a center of visual arts “Material and Images 2” in Perugia together with Mario Mirabassi. From 1987 to 1993 he takes part to the activities of the Arts Association “Opera” in Perugia, managed by Bruno Corà. In Leandri’s opinion ceramics is a material that summarises not only the harmonic elegance of shapes, marks and e chromas capable to fulfill aesthetic needs but also the density of a cultural and spiritual path which belongs to the History and to the Nature. For this reason the action of giving a plastic form to an object is for the artist a real ethical proceeeding, with the implicit emphasis of the moral measure, subtended to every creative action fed by the strong presence of thought.