Deadline for entries is 5 December 16 December.
These terms & conditions were published on 16 July 2015.

Art. 1 - Theme
Breaking a taboo is less of an issue today than in the past. The speed with which societies are changing, requires constant questioning of what is considered acceptable. Taboo-breaking and taboo-creating is one of the inevitable results of our hyper-active times. Globalisation catapults attitudes into every corner of the globe, and forces indigenous populations, groups or persons to respond, often in totally unprepared cultural contexts, to confront or accept new associations once unimaginable or forbidden. These conflict with traditional or deeply entrenched ways of thinking, which historically have often been held fast by taboos. In this context, artists are in the most enviable position. They are free in the widest sense, able to dissent and ask questions, and in their practice create new worlds which transgress the old. By exploring such issues as death, marriage, sexuality, money, racism, freedom, religion, gender, war, violence, politics, or behavioral traits such as guilt, shame, love, exploitation, forgiveness, artists can turn taboo-related themes on their heads, in subtle or explicit ways which are dissimilating but illuminating or shocking but liberating. Works submitted to ‘Taboo’ should take into consideration prevailing taboos, wherever they are experienced, geographically or culturally, and give a sense of how and why transitions to new forms of consideration and acceptance are given to what was once a taboo. Works or projects can be in any media, from performance to documentation, to installation, photography, video and painting. Works will be selected for their ability to spark thoughtful investigation on the taboo in question, as well as revealing how aesthetics can advance understanding on the subject being treated. Taboo: A practice which is prohibited by social or religious custom. Forbidding a certain association with a practice, a thing, a place or a person. Often associated with physical exposure and violence.

Art. 2 - Works & Projects
Single works or projects of up to 10 works can be entered in Taboo. Submissions can be in any medium or any mix of media conceived by the artist, whether these be traditional media such as painting, photography and video, or digital manipulations, or expressions on the internet, audio-visual works, performance or site specific interactions. There are no limits to the size of works or of their duration. Images of works submitted are uploaded online in JPG or PNG formats from applicants’ personal accounts in Celeste Network. We advise you submit images at least 2,500 pixels on the longest side. Before publishing your work, you can approve or not viewing in high resolution. Projects with less than 10 images are still valid for selection and will be considered on a par with other projects for selection and prizes.

Art. 3 - Eligibility
International, open to artists, photographers and creatives worldwide, regardless of age, sex, experience, occupation or geographic location. It is possible to participate as an individual or as a group. Works and projects must have been made within the last 10 years, and can or cannot have been exhibited before or presented in other prizes.

Art. 4 - Prizes
Total of 5,000 € Prizes*
3,000 € for the Best Project
2,000 € for the Best Single Work

*  Celeste Network has by Italian law to hand over to the Italian state 25% of prize money for tax purposes. This sum will be withheld by the organizer from each prize winner.

Art. 5 - Deadline to enter
The last day to enter a work or project is 5 December 16 December 2015, midnight Italian time. To submit a work or project, it is necessary to pay the entry fee no later than the deadline hour. Applicants who have paid entry fee before the deadline, can If they haven’t already done so, upload their projects in the following 7 days.

Art. 6 - Jury & Selections
By 10 January 2016, 3 finalist projects and 10 single works selected by the directors of Galleria Poggiali & Forconi, Florence, Italy, will be announced online.

Art. 7 - Exhibition & Winners
Only works present at the final exhibition can be chosen for the prizes. The exhibition of finalist works and projects will take into account the space available at the exhibition and the spatial characteristics of each project. Award winners will be decided by the 13 finalist artists themselves in a secret vote to be held at the opening of the final exhibition. The voting will be confidential. No one may vote for themselves or in agreement with other finalists, to do so will result in disqualification. Voting slips will be named and checked by Celeste. Winners will be those artists who receive the highest number of preferences in their prize category. In the event of a tie during voting in any prize section, the directors of Galleria Poggiali & Forconi will decide which artist shall be the winner. Finalists unable to be present at the voting will be able to cast their vote in advance via email: info@celesteprize.com  Prizes will be given directly at the awards ceremony during the final exhibition.

Art . 8 - Ownership
All finalists' works, including those by prize winners, will remain after the awards ceremony and exhibition, property of the artists or of their legitimate owners.

Art. 9 - Entry fee
It’s immediate and cheaper to pay online from your account in Celeste Network, but you can choose to make an electronic bank transfer which takes us two working days to confirm and activate upload.

There are 3 ways to pay entry fees and enter your work and/or project:

1.  Online with credit card
You do this from your personal account in Celeste Network. If you don’t have an account, Sign-up from the link top-right in the website’s header bar or follow this link https://www.celesteprize.com/eng_auth_login/  If you already have an account, login, in the graphics box ‘Taboo’ at the centre of your admin homepage click on ‘Enter a Work' or 'Enter a Project’ and use your credit card in the PayPal form we provide. Activation is immediate, you can proceed to upload images, statement, description of your work or project and publish by confirming. For projects, the first image you upload is the image which will represent your project and will be seen in a larger format than the following 9 images. You can add a different title to every work in your project.

2.  By electronic bank transfer
Upload your work or project directly from your account in Celeste Network. If you choose this method you will have to wait two working days after payment to begin upload. Make payment to: Celeste Network - Banco Posta - IBAN: IT74 W076 0114 2000 0000 5409 079 - BIC / Swift: BPPIITRRXXX - Send your entry fee in € Euro currency, net, without transfer fees or commissions payable by Celeste Network on receipt. For bank transfers coming from outside-Europe you must add 10 € Euro to the entry fee. It takes two working days for payment confirmation, activation in your account and therefore possibility for you to begin upload. Once your account has been activated by Celeste staff, login, in the graphics box ‘Taboo’ at the centre of your admin homepage click on ‘Upload a Work' or 'Upload a Project’, and proceed to upload images, statement and description of your work or project and publish by confirming. For projects, the first image you upload is the image which will represent your project in and will be seen in a larger format than the following 9 images. You can add a different title to every work in your project.

3.  Western Union
 or MoneyGram
Send to: Name: Steven; Surname: Music; Address: San Gimignano (Siena); Country: Italy.
Ensure that we receive your entire, entry fee amount in Euro €, net of any transfer charges. If we have to pay transfer charges your application process will be halted. Please include in the description which accompanies your payment the following: ‘Entry fee payment for Taboo' by..(artist’s name, surname and country from where the money is being sent)’. Send confirmation email to info@celesteprize.com with the transaction code. As soon as we receive your entry fee we shall activate in your account in Celeste the possibility to upload your prize work.

Entry fees
- Online: Single Work 20 €, Project 70 €  (includes upload of up to 10 single images of your project), for additional single works 15 €, for additional projects 60 €.
- By mail, in which all materials, including text and images of your project are uploaded in your page by Celeste staff, 40 €/single work, 110 €/project. Send to: Celeste Network, Via Sangallo 23, 53036 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.

Entry fees are not refundable.

Art. 10 - Production & Transport
Artists selected and invited to exhibit their work at Galleria Poggiali & Forconi, Florence, Italy, will be responsible for the costs of production of their work, installation in situ, transport and insurance to and from Florence, as well as any personal travel and accommodation expenses.

Art. 11 - Catalogue
A catalogue will be published which includes a personal presentation of the finalist artists and reproduction of their works and projects. The catalogue 'Taboo' will be of the quality and type which Galleria Poggiali & Forconi produces for its collectors and exhibitions.

Art. 12 - Rights, Acceptances & Copyright
Every artist or person submitting images to Taboo retains copyright of the works, images and texts he or she uploads, but gives Celeste Network the authority to use indefinitely the same above mentioned visual and textual materials for communication and promotion purposes only; to create the catalogue or other promotional material, and to use in Celeste Network's websites. Artists who submit works to Taboo declare and accept that they are the authors of the images they upload and possess all rights to use these images in the competition and onsite in Celeste Network. Artists or persons uploading images of artwork guarantee that they have received permission and authorization, as required by law, from persons either represented in their photographs, videos or artwork, or from their legal representatives. Celeste Network as organizer is not and cannot be held responsible for any dispute among artists, other persons or third parties who might claim author’s rights over images of a work submitted in Taboo. By ticking online Taboo's ‘Terms & Conditions’ or signing the ‘Application Form’ (the latter if prize submissions are made by post), artists accept and are responsible for all that these ‘Terms & Conditions’ and Celeste Network’s website ‘Terms of Use’ contain and declare.

Text of Terms and Conditions of Taboo ends here.


If you wish to enter the prize by post complete and sign the Application Form and send it with all materials requested below.

1. I wish to apply to Taboo:
Name and Family name/Surname_________________________
Postal address________________________________________
Place & date of birth (city & nation)_____________________
Place of work/study (city & nation)_______________________
Email and website_____________________________________
Telephone number/cell._________________________________

2. With the following artwork:
Measurement (width x height x depth in cm)________________
Year of execution______________________________________
If the work is a video, name author of musical credits_________

3. I wish to enter the following prize category(ies):
- make a cross beside
Projects Prize, 3,000 €
Single Work Prize 2,000 €

4. I have included a signed and completed 'Application Form', photographic or video materials of my work or project in jpg (at least 2,500 pixels on the longest side), CV, receipt confirming payment of 40 € entry fee for a work or 110 € for a project (includes up to 10 works) in which the Organizer uploads my candidate work/s and all textual and photographic materials relating to my personal presentation, statement to my work, title and description of the works being submitted.

5. Acceptances
1) I accept selections made by the members of the jury in the persons of the directors of Galleria Poggiali & Forconi.
2) I accept the decision to award prizes to artists who receive a majority of preferences from other finalists.
3) I accept the selections made for catalogue illustration.
4) I have read and I accept the ‘Terms & Conditions' of Taboo.


Send postal applications to:
Celeste Network, Via Sangallo 23, 53036 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
Tel & Fax: +39 0577 1521988