Whatever, we have all been through plenty of crazy situations, where bad choices or unexpected events occurred, and then those memorable and truly amazing situations where we completely lived life to the fullest in than moment...
Yet my questions stand 'What created that great moment?' and 'How did you deal with those bad moments'
Surely we are more than capable of creating great moments even in the dullest of times? or even in an uplifting atmosphere!
I personally find that ignoring those emotions of conformism or whatever those seemingly restrictive emotions I can sense from other people and being bold to bring my character and true desire of expression into field and instantly witness a new energy/vibe and connection being shared! it's amazing!
On the other hand (the bad situation), can become your strong hand! learn from it, be resilient, don't dwell on it! let it fuel your fight because we all face them.
Ones mind is their castle, one are both King (decision maker) and Leader (Making the decision happen) of themselves
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