to live reality 'that most represents us in order to subvert the practice of using the virtual in all aspects of life even for the Contemporary Art Exhibitions on the Web that unlike those made with the Artists and their Works I find that can arouse the same emotion ... in the exhibitions of contemporary art, organized by me over the years in various places, I can testify that beyond the exhibition experience there is also an interesting human, so the participation of the artists I find it fundamental and in the Services Show I try to insert, beyond those fundamental for the visibility of the Works: Catalogs, Photos, Videos, Critical Notes etc ... also possibility of discounts and discounts reserved to appreciate the artists also the city where it is exposed as everything is part of experience itself;
the planning between people, Artists, Professionals, who feel, believe they can realize their dreams through shared participation, in the possibilities that can be realized if we give them opportunities;
to get out of the Web dependencies from the smaller ones like the Invitation to the Likes and the INSERIMENTS in the Social Groups of which few read to the end the information so little useful, a real waste of time and it's a pity, let's spend it so constructive...
who has the gift of art as an instrument has the means to mark deeply not only in the Works but in his Life a path of positive value ... leave your mark with me ... MPIA RELLA
SpaziOfficina è il mio nome d'arte in quanto gli Spazi interiori sono immensi, l'Officina è la mia vita ed il mio impegno lavorato.
Libero Creativo Laboratorio a Roma
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