Immigration research
23 June 2017
Faces that go beyond the daily chronicle to enter another dimension. An existential eternity stripped of the laws of time and men. Exodus of humanity at the limit of simple survival and a fate of overwhelming, walls and isolation. Francesca Candito's paintings portray the reality, the harsh reality of this era, recovering unique and individual faces through the stifling crowd, the tide of migrants who face the desert and the waves of the Mediterranean every day. A humanity looking for life and herself, looks that talk about us documenting what happens to the other. Brothers on a journey or flight who, overwhelmed by suffering and hope, retrace the odyssey's inverse routes far from home (the soil and culture of fathers and mothers) to land in a different land that is no longer the same. Footsteps abandoned on the beaches of Europe, as empty orbits under a surviving sky. One can not remain indifferent to these works, which, with an expressionist cut, point out in their faces their spiritual essence. A score of instinctual signs and colors, on a zero black background, to highlight the individuality of distant souls, of glances to our neighbors.

Luigi Marsiglia- Historian and art critic

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