Lauro Pedraza - The soul's secrets landscapes
23 September 2014
Silent atmosphere. Chromatic stories which become a true visual poetry. The dialogues on canvas of Lauro Pedraza are located within the new trend called "poetic romanticism." Time, narrated by the strokes of the Master, is not surprised by the hurricane of the psyche. The spectator who observes his work is really fascinated by the great visual harmony. Pedraza creates on canvas musical scores that result in shape and color; melodies whose musicality is in the masterful use of perspective with which the Master has to know the world, the reality in which he lives every day. Pedraza´s painting gives serenity to the viewer. It is a type of painting that allows the viewer to reflect on the beauty of the cosmos. Compositions that speak a universal language. Knowledge, which I would define as encyclopedic, narrative, so that the figures drawn by the Master always kept well set in various pictorial contexts. The works of the artist are living, emotional and exciting, able to establish an intimate and profound dialogue with those who are available to listen to the message, whisper sweet, which is transmitted. Visuals depictions of the artist, therefore, do not have to "shout" to be "heard." The refined texture and the studied language make such works of art true masterpieces. Who observed his work travels to the past full of memories. That past, whose love for the little things made life a more beautiful life. Pedraza is the painter of memories. From those memories that resurface in the mind of the observer. His landscapes, their faces, their lives are flavored by the time lived. Literally I would compare him with Marcel Proust, the author of "In Search of Lost Time", at which time was traced by Proust through a taste; the cupcake. Pedraza loves nature, and with great creative sense, he re proposed it in all its beauty. A virgin nature, free from hatred and earthly injustice. His art works are, therefore, destined to remain through time, in the same manner, as were those of the great masters who have preceded him.

Salvatore Russo

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