Why do I say this?
It is a contemporary mind set to promote the arts. But there is ‘promotion’ and there is ‘promotion’. The first type, is to boost the image of the artist and the second type is a true critique of the art work only.
The first type is now the current fashion because many artists find it necessary to boost their insecurity as an artist. They actually pay the critique to review their works, and then promote themselves with this lies on their websites or on their exhibitions.
It is a poor and sad state of affairs when an artist finds it necessary to promote themselves, but not their work.
It is easy to see who such artists are. What the art critique is saying, has very little to do with the art work. It is all about self-importance, how great the artist is in using their talent.
All kinds of biennales and competitions are used for this false image creation. Just mention ‘biennale’ and it already looks like something important. In Italy (I speak from first-hand experience from within my own country), this sort of artist/critique plagiarism is rife. People calling themselves artists, even with arts degrees, succumb to this sad state of affairs. I do not believe that they even question their actions. Catchy words like ‘premio’ and ‘biennale’ are used for this false image growth.
I do not wish to blame anyone for this, because it appears to go hand in hand with the socio/political movement that crept into the minds of Italians for the past seventeen years. This movement is known as ‘Berlusconism’. To put into simple language, it is a movement whereby one utilizes methods of lying and stealing to make yourself look confident and once you are established your confidence becomes your self-worth. This (false) confidence is highly prized and people base their sense of self-worth on this
The interesting part of this movement, is that those involved, believe that they are doing the ‘right’ thing.
Since I have been on this website of premio celest, I have seen more false critique than true critique. You must understand that liars are not necessarily bad people. They can be very kind, it’s just that their way of getting known is all lies. And people who do not question much, are gullible and these gullible, support these liars.
If you fancy yourself or your works, and you ‘buy’ critique, or use critique that is only meant to pump up your self-image, then you are a liar. Maybe even a happy liar…but a liar none the less.
Your work will show this. You might have good sales, have many followers because of your success. But you are a liar. You are a Berlusconi, even if you detest the movement. And how is this known? Your work speaks more loudly than any of your merits, than any of your critique (bought or given). Anyone who is sensitive to lies, will see you. But the chances of you seeing yourself will be very slim. You have a false persona to uphold. You are now ‘known’ by the false. The blind lead the blind. Very few have the integrity to be true to themselves, they prefer to stand there at their exhibitions and be applauded as the hard working artist or writer who is so talented. What a sad state of affairs. What an unnecessary use of intelligence. It is always possible to be true to yourself. Are you?
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