The drawing body be models for painters it is another matter entirely. By Samantha Schloss, sculptor, designer and activist Bodypositive.
21 March 2017
Pose for painters and draftsmen is something else: be models for painters does not provide for discounts, there are no filters and post-production, the exposure time is very long. A "shock therapy" that I recommend to those who tend to not like each other, not to accept their bodies.

One of the most exciting things I do in my path as an artist and activist Bodypositive is to be a model for painters.

Stand naked and motionless for several hours with a group of people who observe, measure, draw your body. An activity with which I'm familiar having an artistic education in art schools and schools of sculpture.

It helps to reinforce the perception of himself (of his self incarnate, body) and self-esteem.

The painters do not judge the body, it simply draw, as it were an object. The rest is part of the Naked strand, draw human bodies as if they were structures or objects, without judgment, is also one of Cezanne's teachings.

A painter told me yesterday "that you are beautiful, just beautiful!" And I smiled thinking "I know!" I'm not afraid to say that I feel to be beautiful. I see my naked body, the folds of fat that composes it, the skin sometimes pocked and I am calm, I do not feel ashamed even though I know that many I should try it. I'm fine in this body of mine.

Samantha Schloss

* drawing by Alessandro Alghisi

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