The psychological perception
02 October 2012
The psychological perception stems from the containment action (Venus / Adonis) that encourages reflection and discloses to the artistic life, contemplative and meditative, the gifts that Aphrodite gives men walking the path of individuation creative.
Evolve the capacity of language to designate the multiplicity of sensations (cherubs), to express emotions (arrows), to express the feelings of relationship and think about the motivations, decisions and choices based on a personal view of things and philosophy of life.
"What is conscious seems to flow in us as sense perception. We see, hear, and experience and smell the world, and so we are aware of the world. Sensory perception tells us that something is. But does not tell us what it is. This is not tells the perceptual process but the apperceptive process, which is a very complex function, because it brings together different functions and their mental processes which shows the recognition of what was recorded by the senses. This recognition stems from a process that is called thought. Thought it tells you what something is. " (Jung)
The thought and the language that goes with it are the basis of self-awareness (function soul) in the present tense, which in turn is the basis of primary consciousness of the individual based on memory that makes possible any form of recognition.
The recognition accompanied by a verbal or non-verbal object triggers a process of evaluating the data percetipi a psychic, sensory, intuitive perception that evolve into critical, rational and intellectual of what is happening.
This phenomenon requires an enormous amount of psychic energy that is replaced by a system of habits triggered by an unconscious mechanism of symbolic recognition that prevents it from being submerged by the flood of information, analyzes and assessments coming from the sensory-cognitive system.
Through the perceptual experience images are captured and decoded second homogeneous groups which correspond to similar feelings to facilitate the process of immediate recognition of a situation.

The habit of minimizing the investment of psychic energy through a process often superficial categorization of images, affects curiosity to know, explore and discover.

Self-awareness (function soul) becomes active when you start to look at yourself, what happens inside of us (the woman who looks in the mirror) at the very moment in which we turn to the outside (the woman looks out of the frame ).
This mechanism of "proprioception holistic" enough to become aware of the "musical sensation" caused by the images and learn the art of selecting between different combinations, those that correspond to the reality of the facts or assumptions that support the intuitions understood by Jung as "perception of the possibilities contained in a situation."
Finally, through the evaluation of feelings modulated by the psyche in relation to the feelings and emotions generated by the senses, we can record what is pleasant or unpleasant, also the mnemonic images evoked bring with them emotional concomitant phenomena, called "affective tones."

In this way an object appears to us pleasant, desirable, beautiful or ugly, evil, reprehensible. The language defines this process feeling.

Comments 2

Maria Cristina Baracchi
11 years ago
Ringrazio per la bella sorpresa del premio ricevuto!!! :)
irene campominosi
11 years ago
Scusate, ma che fine ha fatto il concorso premio tiziano 2012 ?
Dovevate selezionare i vincitori entro il 30.1.2013
Io non sono riuscita a trovare nulla sui vostri siti e non ho ricevuto mail?
Inoltre, come da bando, avrei dovuto ricevere dei cataloghi, un libro ecc.ecc. . Non ho mai ricevuto nulla? Allora ?

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